Wyndham Hotels and Resorts

Reducing cross-training time by over 90%

Industry Hospitality

Training new recruits for RFP skills

As a crisp autumn season settles in on the east coast of North America, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts is just starting to heat up. They’re busy preparing annual contracts for some of the largest businesses in the world. From an ocean-view office, a cheerful and hardy crew have begun training new recruits for the Requests for Proposal (RFP) peak season, in early November. The team will work fast and furiously for the next five months processing thousands of RFPs with painstaking care.

Processing RFPs is no easy task. Employees must learn to navigate complex procedures and interact with some of the oldest and largest computer systems in the world. The Global Distribution System (GDS) houses massive stores of travel information for flights, hotel stays, car rentals, hotel properties, customer data, reservation dates, breakfast menus and so much more. It normally takes five days to cross-train employees for the RFP skill. Wyndham Hotels & Resorts provides excellent classroom training requiring a seasoned mentor available in class.

We love ProcedureFlow because it reduces ramp time and employees can start doing work right away.

Director of Operations
Little Helper

Faster training through mapping procedural knowledge

After a busy RFP season the year prior, the operations team had been searching for new tools and technology that would help facilitate a better adult learning experience and post-training support. After seeing a demo of ProcedureFlow, they saw its potential to match their vision of "learning by doing". ProcedureFlow is a web-based application that allows users to map out procedures in a logical and easy to follow manner. Instead of being confronted with overwhelming blocks of text, ProcedureFlow's flowcharts, small text boxes, and screenshots help employees absorb concepts much faster. After implementing ProcedureFlow, the five day RFP training class was reduced to a few hours of orientation and live work started before lunch. That is a 90% savings on training and ramp time!

Additional benefits of ProcedureFlow:

  • Procedures are updated in real-time, ready to be used by the training group at a moment's notice
  • Team leads are confident that employees are receiving updates in a timely and visual manner, reducing the need for one-on-one coaching time.
  • Employees can be easily cross-trained, decreasing the impact of sick days and leaves of absence
  • The quality assurance group has an objective process standard for scoring employees

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