NB Power

Taking live calls from customers 8 days sooner

Industry Energy


Reduction in Trainer
Preparation Time


Faster in Taking
Live Customer Calls

Training experts for critical situations

Customer service takes on a different level of importance when human safety and human comfort are dependant on the correct and consistent execution of a company’s operating procedures.

NB Power generates and transmits energy for industrial, commercial and residential customers throughout the province of New Brunswick. As a full service utility with thousands of miles of power transmission and distribution lines, safety and reliability is considered mission critical. Damaged power lines and power interruptions are not only inconvenient, they can be life threatening. Being trained and being prepared is not a luxury, it’s an absolute necessity.

Serving customers who are experiencing an emergency situation, a disconnection for non payment, or another difficult situation requires complex procedures and significant training and cross-training for NB Power’s employees.

A single source of truth for process documentation

Fusing together the knowledge and experience of their senior resources and best performers, with their existing training and process documentation, in ProcedureFlow allows both new and existing employees to become experts faster and provides one single source of truth for the entire organization.

Using ProcedureFlow has decreased our cross-training time by 61%, and our trainees are now taking live calls from customers 8 days sooner.

Jill Ferro Manager of Customer Relations and Infrastructure
Little Helper

Leveraging ProcedureFlow has allowed this utility to:

  • Allow newly cross-trained employees to take live customer calls 61% faster, from Day 13 down to Day 5 - by lunch time.
  • Remove the ‘mentor assist’ button from employee phones, resulting in 7000 saved mentor assist calls and 11,500 hours saved each year - with no loss in quality.
  • Enhance existing documentation by layering an “if this, then that” decision making process over top, and then hyperlinking directly to specific documents. Employees no longer need to search for the right information.
  • Reduce trainer preparation time by 50%.
  • Reduce travel costs for both trainers and trainees.
  • Map procedures into easy to follow, step-by-step instructions and removing the difficulty of trying to navigate through complicated systems and processes. Employees can now focus fully on providing the best possible customer experience.

Ready to transform your knowledge base?

See how ProcedureFlow turns long processes into visual guides to
improve your customer and employee experience.

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